
Following a second round of International trials the following players have been successful in moving onto the final phase of International selection.

The final trials date is 10th December (at Stafford Town FC) and all successful players will be required to attend if they wish to represent the England U15 Schoolgirl team. The players below will represent the South in a match against the North - players from the SEESFA catchment area are highlighted in bold.

Selected Players

Kiya Webb (Buckinghamshire)
Nicole Gair (Bedfordshire)
Ruby Hughes (Inner London)
Amber Treweek (Dorset)
Keanne Jervier (Essex)
Grace White (Somerset)
Madison Hook (Hampshire)
Kira Hockley (Somerset)
Lily Walsh (Inner London)
Beth Ireland (Cornwall)
Sarah King (Wiltshire)
Lauren Hart (Essex)
Leyla O'Brien (Hertfordshire)
Bebe Smith (Dorset)
Kianna Hawkins-Sheera (Gloucestershire)
Mary McAteer (Gloucestershire)


Freya Gordon (Berkshire)
Millie Thistleton (Kent)

Those who are selected by English Schools' FA to make up the International squad will then attend two training camps, before playing the Republic of Ireland for the John Read Trophy at Stafford Town on 10th March 2018. The group will then travel to Belfast to compete against Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland in the Bob Doherty Tournament from 23rd-26th March.

Congratulations to all the players selected, particularly those from the South-East!